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  2010, Vol. 31 Issue (1): 16-22    
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1. 三峡大学土木建筑学院2. 华南理工大学交通学院
Evaluation of Asphalt Mixture Fracture Resistance Using the J-Integral
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摘要 沥青混合料是一种由集料、胶浆和孔隙组成的非均质材料,一般被认为是一种粘弹性材料,其力学行为介于弹性和塑性之间,采用弹塑性断裂力学更适合于评价沥青混合料的抗裂性能。J积分理论可以避开分析裂纹尖端附近的应力应变场,物理意义明确,可以有效的评价沥青混合料的抗裂性能,断裂韧度JC可以很方便的采用预切缝的半圆弯拉试验直接获得。为了评价材料本身特性对断裂韧度JC影响,在MTS试验系统上进行了3种级配的沥青混合料的断裂韧度试验。采用基于数字图像处理技术的有限元方法对半圆弯拉试验进行了模拟,并将数值模拟的结果与试验的结果进行了对比分析。结论表明,断裂韧度JC可以作为一有效的评价沥青混合料抗裂性能的指标。
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关键词 J积分沥青混合料半圆弯拉试验断裂韧度数字图像    
Abstract:Asphalt mixture is a heterogeneous material composed of aggregates, binder and air voids, which is always treated as a kind of visco-elastic material. The mechanistic behavior is between elastic and plastic. So evaluation of asphalt mixture fracture resistance may be more plausible using elastic-plastic mechanics. J-integral theory can avoid the complicated stress-strain field of the crack tip, has distinct physical meaning and can effectively evaluate the fracture resistance of the asphalt mixture. In this study, the fracture toughnessJC was conveniently determined from load-deformation data of a simple three –point bending fracture test using notched semi-circular specimens. To evaluate the effect of the asphalt mixture material properties on the variation of JC, three kinds of mixtures with different gradations were performed by adopting the semi-circular bending test method in a MTS testing system. Based on the digital image processing techniques, the Finite Element Model was constructed to simulate the test configuration. The numerical results were compared and analyzed with the experimental results. Results suggest that the fracture toughness JC could be used as a effective indicator to evaluate the fracture resistance of the asphalt mixture.
收稿日期: 2008-09-24     
:  U414.75  
通讯作者: 刘敬辉   
刘敬辉;王端宜. 采用J积分对沥青混合料抗裂性能进行评价[J]. , 2010, 31(1): 16-22.
http://manu39.magtech.com.cn/Jwk_gtlxxb/CN/     或     http://manu39.magtech.com.cn/Jwk_gtlxxb/CN/Y2010/V31/I1/16
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