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2017 Vol. 38, No. 2
Published: 2017-04-28

93 Research Progress on the Theoretical Characterization Methods for the High-temperature Mechanical Properties of Materials
With the rapid development of science and technology, materials are more widely applied in high temperature fields. Ceramic materials as one of the most potential high-temperature candidates can be applied in the thermal protection system of hypersonic flight vehicles, the high temperature components of engines and the key components of nuclear fission reactors. Meanwhile, metal materials also play a very important role in high temperature applications, and have been widely used as the high temperature structural components. Because their mechanical properties at elevated temperatures are quite different from those at room temperature, studies and characterizations on the high-temperature mechanical properties of materials have become the hotspot of current researches. Although theoretical studies on the mechanical properties of these two kinds of materials at room temperature are quite sufficient, the theoretical characterizations of their mechanical properties at different temperatures, especially at elevated temperatures, are still lacking. The recent developments of theoretical characterization methods for their temperature dependent mechanical behavior are summarized and reviewed in this paper. A novel modeling idea for the temperature dependent mechanical properties of materials is mainly introduced: “(1) There is maximum energy storage for a particular material, and this energy storage can be measured by both strain energy and heat energy; (2) There is a quantity equivalent relation between strain energy and heat energy”. And this modeling idea has been applied to characterize the mechanical properties including: (1) the temperature dependent fracture strengths of ceramic materials, mainly including the ultra-high temperature ceramics, particle reinforced ceramic matrix composites, laminated ceramic matrix composite and fiber reinforced ceramic matrix composites; (2) the temperature dependent yield strengths of metal materials, including pure metals and alloys; (3) the temperature dependent elastic moduli of metal materials. In addition, the constitutive relation of metal materials at elevated temperatures and high strain rates is also introduced. Finally, the future studies on the theoretical characterization methods for the high-temperature mechanical properties of materials are prospected. Some suggestions are provided for the future work by summarizing the characteristics and shortcomings of the existing researches.
2017 Vol. 38 (2): 93-123 [Abstract] ( 618 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF   (0 KB)  ( 399 )
124 Research Progress in Physical Mechanics of Low-dimensional Carbon and Boron Nitride Materials
Low-dimensional materials such as carbon nanotubes, graphene and hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) have attracted numerous scientific interests and attention, and become a hot research field as their unique and exceptional mechanical, electrical and thermal properties. The local fields of low-dimensional materials that consist of charges, molecular orbitals, electronic structures and spin states are usually coupled with external mechanical deformation and movement, physical and chemical environment, which could lead to novel characteristics and behaviors significantly different from that of the corresponding bulk states. Here we make a brief review on recent progress of mechanical behaviors, mechanical-electric coupling and device mechanisms, tuning structures and properties of surfaces and interfaces, interlayer interactions, energy dissipation and friction of carbon nanotubes, graphene and h-BN materials and also discuss the possibilities and feasible routes to develop novel functional devices by utilizing the multi-field coupling and structure-properties correlation of low-dimensional materials, and the advances and development trend of nano mechanics and physical mechanics.
2017 Vol. 38 (2): 124-145 [Abstract] ( 308 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF   (0 KB)  ( 459 )
146 Dynamic Stability of Spherical Dielectric Elastomer Balloon
Recently, active soft materials have attracted widespread attentionthe dielectric energy and the elastic energy described by the Mooney-Rivlin model. Secondly, the relation between the peak value of stationary response and the step voltage/pressure is analytically derived through the first integral of system. The intersection point of the relation curve and the static equilibrium curve gives the critical voltage/pressure. The instability of the spherical dielectric elastomer balloon under different situations is discussed in detail. For any given voltage, there exists a threshold of material constant, below which the structure will remain stable forever. A similar threshold of material constant exists for any pressure with the value of nonzero. For the case with absent pressure, however, there exists a critical voltage, beyond which the structure will be dynamically instable. The influences of the imposed voltage/ pressure, material constant and pre-stretch on the critical state of the dynamic instability are investigated systematically. Pre-stretch will improve the dynamic stability of the spherical dielectric elastomer balloon. This work paves the way for the theoretical research on dynamic instability of soft material, and provides some guidance for the structural and functional design of soft sensors and actuators. in the flexible device manufacturing industry. As a typical active soft material, the dielectric elastomer, with two compliant electrodes covering its upper and lower surfaces, constitutes the dielectric elastomer structure. Although the dielectric elastomer structure possesses excellent electromechanical properties, various failures occur frequently when operating in the dynamic environment, which greatly hinders its extensive application. The dynamic stability of an ideal spherical dielectric elastomer balloon is investigated here, which is related to the phenomenon of electro-mechanical instability. Firstly, the governing differential equation with respect to the stretch ratio of the ideal spherical dielectric elastomer balloon is derived according to the principle of virtual work. The free energy function is expressed as the summation of
2017 Vol. 38 (2): 146-156 [Abstract] ( 382 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF   (0 KB)  ( 438 )
157 An Analytical Singular Element to Study the Cohesive Zone Model for Cracks
The cohesive zone model is widely used in fracture mechanics. When the fracture process zone (FPZ) in front of the crack tip is too large to be neglected, the nonlinear behavior must be considered. That is to say, in this circumstance the linear fracture mechanics is no longer valid. In order to take into account the nonlinear behavior in FPZ, many fracture models have been proposed, among which, the cohesive zone model (CZM) might be one of the simplest and has been widely used. However, there still remain some problems in the existing numerical methods; for instance, length of the fracture process zone cannot be obtained accurately; dense meshes are required, etc. In order to get over these difficulties, a new analytical singular element is proposed in the present study and further extended into the cohesive zone model for crack propagation problems. In this singular element, the cohesive traction is approximately expressed in the form of polynomial expanding though Lagrange interpolation. The special solution corresponding to each expanding term is specified analytically. Each special solution strictly satisfies the requirements of both differential equations of interior domain and the corresponding traction expanding terms. The real cohesive traction acting on the cohesive crack surface is thus expressed in a natural and strict way. Then the special solution can be transformed into nodal forces of the present singular element. Assembling the stiffness matrix and nodal force into the global FEM system, the cohesive crack problem can be analyzed. An efficient iteration procedure is also proposed to solve the nonlinear problem. Finally, the cohesive crack propagation under arbitrary external loading can be simulated, and the length of FPZ, crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) and other parameters in the cohesive crack problem can be obtained simultaneously. The validity of the present method is illustrated by numerical examples.
2017 Vol. 38 (2): 157-164 [Abstract] ( 330 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF   (0 KB)  ( 441 )
165 Study on Moving Dislocations in Decagonal Quasicrystals
Quasicrystals have widespread application values and prospects because of their excellent physical and mechanical properties. In this work, based on Bak’s dynamic model of quasicrystals, the moving straight dislocations in decagonal quasicrystals are investigated in detail. The closed-form expressions for elastic displacement and stress fields are obtained by extending the Stroh formalism. Effects of the moving velocity of dislocation and the phonon-phason coupling elastic constant on the hoop displacements and stresses are discussed. The results show that the greater the moving velocity of dislocation is, the more significantly the displacements and stresses in the phonon and phason field are affected. Finally, the dynamic physical characteristics of dislocations are revealed, and the wave behavior is checked in phonon and phason fields.
2017 Vol. 38 (2): 165-169 [Abstract] ( 294 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF   (0 KB)  ( 408 )
170 Theoretical Study of the Interaction of Laser Excited Surface Acoustic Waves with Subsurface Defects
Nondestructive testing of subsurface defects plays an important role in ensuring the performance and safety of a component or a structure. However, the subsurface defects are often deeply buried and invisible, and therefore, are difficult to be identified. Laser ultrasonic technology (LUT), which is further developed from the traditional piezoelectric ultrasonic technology, has a series of advantages, such as non-contact, broadband, high sensitivity and high spatial resolution. And LUT has been used in detecting surface defects for a long time. The interaction of laser excited surface acoustic wave (LESAW) with surface defects is well understood, but its interaction with subsurface defects is still unclear, even though these two groups of defects have some similar features. In this paper, the interaction of LESAW with subsurface defects has been studied in detail, and the quantitative detection of such defects by LUT has been discussed. The finite element method and the thermoelastic model of laser ultrasound have been employed to simulate the interaction, and to discuss the influences of burial depth and vertical size of the rectangular defect. Firstly, simulation has been made for the initial interaction of LESAW with the frontier of subsurface defect at the vertical edge. The impact of burial depth on the waveform has been analyzed, and the scattered feature caused by the defect has been extracted and interpreted. It is shown that the arrival time of the reflected surface wave is insensitive to the burial depth when the depth is less than the center wavelength. Then for a fixed burial depth, the influences of vertical size and dimension on scattered echo have been simulated and analyzed. It is found that there exists a specific linear relationship between the arrival time of reflected surface wave and the vertical size of defect. At last, based on the results of the study, an equation for the evaluation of vertical size of defect has been presented. The findings on the interaction between LESAW and subsurface defects may provide possible means for nondestructive testing.
2017 Vol. 38 (2): 170-179 [Abstract] ( 419 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF   (0 KB)  ( 547 )
180 Interactions among Multi-defects in Piezoelectric Material of One-dimensional Hexagonal Quasicrystals
Like the classical materials, there are a variety of defects such as cracks and dislocations in quasicrystalline materials. Based on the fundamental equations of piezoelectricity of quasicrystalline material, by means of the analytic function theory and the complex variable method, the interactions among multi-defects in the piezoelectric material of one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystals are studied. First, the models of fracture mechanics of the interactions among n parallel dislocations and a semi-infinite crack in the material are established, and the interaction forces and the equivalent action point of the n parallel dislocations are obtained, which are the versions of the well-known Peach-Koehler formula in the piezoelectric material of one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystals with n parallel dislocations. Second, the analytic solutions of electric-elastic fields of the interactions among n parallel dislocations and a semi-infinite crack in the piezoelectric material of one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystals are derived. Finally, some numerical examples show that the stress and electric displacement of crack surface vary with the position of dislocation and the size of Burgers vector. These results offer the basis of theory to discuss the dislocation emission from a crack tip, screening for dislocation and crack shielding in the piezoelectric material of one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystals. As the development of the corresponding parts of classical elasticity, these are all firstly given in the present paper. When the electric fields or phason fields disappear, the results of this paper degenerate into those of the classical one.
2017 Vol. 38 (2): 180-188 [Abstract] ( 243 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF   (0 KB)  ( 420 )
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