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2016 Vol. 37, No. 2
Published: 2016-04-14
Recent Advances in Mechanics of Stretchable Designs
Strechable electronics can offer the performance of conventional wafer-based devices, and on top of that, they are capable of deforming to arbitrary shapes. This resulting technology has enabled many novel applications such as wearable electronics and epidermal electronics. The challenge in the development of stretchable electronics is the mismatch between the hard inorganic semiconductor materials (e.g., silicon) and the ductility requirements in the applications. One effective strategy to overcome this mismatch is to exploit stretchable design in new structure layouts bonded to compliant substrates at strategic locations. Among the several stretchable designs, the three typical ones newly developed since 2013 have drawn much attention, which are fractal bridge-island design, origami design and kirigami design. This paper reviews the advances on the mechanics of these three typical stretchable designs for stretchable electronics. Mechanics models and their comparisons with experiments and finite element simulations are overviewed to illustrate the key roles of mechanics in the development of stretchable electronics.
2016 Vol. 37 (2): 95-106 [
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Research Progress in Atomic Force Acoustic Microscopy
With the rapid development and wide applications of nano-science and nano-technology, there is an urgent need for nanoscale
quantitative mechanical property measurements
asic physical concepts and principles for both quantitative elastic and viscoelastic property measurements are discussed in details. The two theoretical mechanical models for quantification process are recapitulated, which are the cantilever vibration model and the contact mechanics model between the tip and the sample. Next, the fixed frequency excitation mode for qualitative imaging and the resonance tracking mode for quantitative imaging of AFAM are explained. Then, the development of AFAM method is reviewed, including the development of basic quantitative measurement theory, the study on the accuracy and sensitivity of AFAM, the development of new measurement modes, and the new hardware and software upgrades, etc. The advances in the applications of AFAM method to nanomechanical measurement and characterization are given afterwards. The wide applications of AFAM mainly involve the nanomechanical characterization of fiber reinforced composites and their interfaces, the microstructure characterization of smart materials due to mechanical heterogeneity at the microscale, the nanomechanical measurements of bio-materials as well as their interfaces, and the characterization of nanomaterials and thin film systems (e.g., nanocrystalline materials, nanowires, subsurface imaging, etc.). The summary and prospect are finally given to show the problems and future work of AFAM. This review provides a general description of the state of the art, and aims to make researchers achieve a better understanding on the implementation of their own AFAM measurements and extend the applications of AFAM to the nanoscale mechanical characterization of various natural and artificial materials.
and characterization. Combining acoustics and atomic force microscopy together, the atomic force acoustic microscopy (AFAM) provides a promising technique for quantitative, high resolution and non-destructive mechanical property characterization of materials on a nanoscale. This paper focuses on the research progress in the AFAM measurement method and its wide applications in various fields. First, the b
2016 Vol. 37 (2): 107-134 [
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A Phenomenological Model of MSMA with Magneto-mechanical Coupling Behavior
Upon magneto-mechanical loadings, magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMA), can exhibit significant magnetic field-induced strain as well as stress-induced change of magnetization. These features make MSMA an important smart material in the application of actuator and sensor, which calls for deep understanding of the constitutive behavior of MSMA. Based on thermodynamics and dissipation of energy, we developed a three-dimensional constitutive model of MSMA under magneto-mechanical loadings. The martensitic transformation and reorientation are considered simultaneously. The evolution of the crystallographic and magnetic microstructure is described by using internal state variables. As for the simulation of magnetic microstructure, the single-domain assumption is usually adopted in literature, implying that the magnetic structure has evolved into a single-domain when the reorientation process begins. The single-domain assumption is believed to be suitable for the loading stage of magnetic field, but no longer valid for the unloading process. In the present model, we use the dual-domain model to simulate the evolution of the domain structure under cyclic loading. An arcsine function is selected to describe the macro magneto-mechanical responses induced solely by the evolution of magnetic domain. The simulation given by a reduced two-dimensional version of the present model, where the parameters are determined in terms of the experimental data of Ni
MnGa in literature, shows that the constitutive model developed in this paper is able to capture the magnetic shape memory effect and the hysteresis effect of strain as well as the magnetization response. The results predicted by the present model agree very well with experimental data, especially when the magnetic field is relatively low. It is believed that the present constitutive model can give good simulation for the strain and magnetization responses when MSMA is subjected to complex loading paths, especially the cases with unloading where the reverse reorientation is generally accompanied by the evolution of magnetic domains.
2016 Vol. 37 (2): 135-144 [
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Effect of Relative Hygroscopicity on Uniaxial Ratchetting of Nylon-type Polymers
As a kind of thermoplastic materials, nylon-type polymers have been widely used in automotive, electronics, micro-electronics areas due to their excellent mechanical properties. However, such polymers are apt to
absorb moisture from ambient air
, leading to expansions in volume and variations in mechanical properties. Therefore, it is of great importance to investigate the effect of
hygroscopicity on the cyclic deformation of
nylon-type polymers, which are often subjected to certain types of cyclic loading in their engineering applications. In this work, the uniaxial ratchetting behaviors of nylon-type polymers (typically for
nylon-6, i.e. the PA6 polymer
) are investigated by performing a series of uniaxial stress-controlled cyclic tests
at different relative hygroscopicities (e.g. 0, 1.0% and 2.12%) to evaluate the effect of relative hygroscopicity on uniaxial ratchetting. Tests are also conducted with different durations of peak stress hold time (e.g. 0 s, 5 s and 10 s) to address the time-dependent ratchetting of nylon-type polymers. After the ratchetting tests, the specimens are held for a certain period of time at zero stress to investigate the
strain recovery
denoted by the ratio of the viscoelastic stain to the total stain of the polymer. The obtained results show that significant ratchetting occurs in the uniaxial asymmetrical stress-controlled cyclic tests of the nylon-6 polymer; and the ratchetting strain of solid-state nylon-type polymer consists of the recoverable viscoelastic and irrecoverable viscoplastic parts. It is also shown that the ratchetting is time-dependent; and the ratchetting strain increases remarkably with the increase of peak stress hold time. More importantly, the ratchetting of nylon-type polymer shows obvious dependence on the relative hygroscopicity; and the ratchetting becomes more remarkable and the irrecoverable viscoplastic strain increases as the relative hygroscopicity increases. These conclusions provide guidance for the applications of nylon-type polymer materials in engineering, and are very important to the construction of corresponding cyclic constitutive models describing the hygroscopicity- and time-dependent ratchetting of nylon-type polymers.
2016 Vol. 37 (2): 145-151 [
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Study on Partitioning of Energy in Hypervelocity Impact on Thick Target
The study on partitioning of energy in hypervelocity impact is theoretically significant to resolving problems involving high kinetic energy impact, developing missile intercept technology, analyzing collided spacecraft, and
evaluating collision damages
Based on the previous research on partitioning of energy in hypervelocity impact, the kinetic energy of projectile in hypervelocity impact on thick target was divided into four parts, i.e. the deformation energy, the increase in internal energy of target board due to stress wave propagation, the splashing energy of debris,and the electromagnetic radiant energy. Through a combination of theoretical derivation, experiments and numerical simulation, the partitioning of energy in the direct impact of projectile at the velocity of 2.61 km/s on the 2A12 aluminum target
was quantitatively calculated
. The results of numerical simulation on crater morphology, size and radiant temperature were basically consistent with those of experiments and theoretical derivation. The research results provide useful knowledge in solving the problems of moving vehicle collisions and bird strikes.
2016 Vol. 37 (2): 152-160 [
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Free Vibration of Composite Laminated Reddy Plate Based on Anisotropic Modified Couple Stress Theory
In this study, based on the anisotropic modified couple stress theory, a free vibration model of composite laminated Reddy plate containing only one internal material length scale parameter was developed. The presented model predicted the frequency of free vibration of composite laminated plate in micro scale more accurately than the Kirchhoff model in published literature. The Hamilton's principle was employed to derive the governing equations of motion and the boundary conditions. A simply supported square plate was taken as an illustrative example, the problem of which was solved analytically. Influence of the length scale parameter on natural frequency of material was analyzed, and differences between the results obtained using the Kirchhoff, Mindlin and Reddy plate theories were discussed. Numerical results showed that the presented model was capable of capturing the scale effects. The
natural frequencies were always shown to be overestimated by the Kirchhoff theory, especially in thick plate cases, when comparing with the more accurate results obtained using the Mindlin or Reddy theory.
2016 Vol. 37 (2): 161-171 [
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Reliability Analysis Based on Active Learning Kriging Model
In practical engineering, structural reliability analysis is usually characterized with implicit performance functions and time-consuming structural responses. It is not efficient to utilize Monte Carlo simulation that requires a large number of samples. Aiming at this issue, the original structural performance function is approximated using the Kriging model. However, to obtain an accurate Kriging model with a large number of samples, the computation cost is increased. Therefore, the active learning method is utilized to sequentially select a best next point to update the original Kriging model progressively. An accurate reliability result can be obtained with few sample points in comparison with the direct Monte Carlo simulation, indicating a potential of the proposed method for reliability analysis with implicit performance function. Four different learning functions are introduced in this paper, and the corresponding distribution of the best next points, the approximation of performance functions and the accuracy of reliability results are compared through three numerical examples. And finally, reliability analysis for a cantilever plate with an implicit performance function is carried out. The results demonstrate that the computation efficiency is improved by utilizing the Kriging model combined with active learning methods. The accuracy of reliability result is found to be affected by the choice of active learning functions.
2016 Vol. 37 (2): 172-180 [
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A Further Discussion on Rational Topology Optimization Models for Continuum Structures
Different optimization models have been
established for the topology optimization of continuum structures. It is necessary to compare the similarities and differences between various optimization models in order to avoid the misunderstanding or misuse of these models. At the same time, it is also necessary to discuss the applicability and rationality of different optimization models for practical engineering application. Structural weight (or volume) and stiffness are the most commonly used indicators for structural optimization. In this study, two topology optimization models were established: one with minimizing compliance subject to specified volume constraint (named as MCVC model); and the other with minimizing weight subject to displacement constraints (named as MWDC model).
The SIMP method was adopted to establish and solve the MCVC model; and the ICM method was adopted to establish and solve the MWDC model.
Detailed analysis and comparison on the similarities and differences between the two models were carried out under different forms of loading, such as
single and multiple load cases
. The topology optimization design of the mega braced frame system of a high-rise building was illustrated as a typical example of engineering application to discuss the applicability and rationality of the two models. Finally, conclusions were drawn by summarizing the advantages, disadvantages, applicability and rationality of the two models, which provided useful knowledge for engineering application and academic research on topology optimization of continuum structures.
2016 Vol. 37 (2): 181-191 [
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Beijing Magtech