Abstract For the adhesion problem between deformable mediums through molecular bond clusters which is mediated by the specific molecules interaction, many existing studies have investigated such specific adhesion behavior mainly based on Monte Carlo Simulation. However, for few molecular bonds in adhesion system, the thermal fluctuation significantly affects the adhesion behavior. As a resutl of such strong fluctuation, the conventional statistical approach can’t accurately capture the behavior of adhesion system. Therefore, in this article, we developed a new statistical method of integral evaluation based on thermal dymanics. Based on our model, statistical results of this method agree very well with numercial solutions of master equation both for steady and dymanic states. Especially, in the case that strong thermal fluctuation donimates the adhesion system with few molecular bonds, the statistical method of integral evaluation still is valid in describing the specific adheison behavior.
Received: 27 November 2017
Published: 28 August 2018